Gebhardt - Geb Heart | Apollon Records
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GEB HEART is the new album from former Motorpsycho drummer Håkon Gebhardt.


Available on CD, regular LP (black), and limited LP (white). Released 23.09.2022.


GEB HEART is the new Gebhardt album where he does almost everything himself, writing, composing, playing guitars, keyboards, banging drums, singing, tweaking vocal harmonies, producing, mixing, cutting loops, and simply messing around His wife Marì Simonelli joins in on bass and co-writing lyrics to glue his creativity together.

These songs will take you into a surrealistic universe of words and rhyme.

Welcome to Geb’s universe, Geb’s Heart! It’s Gebism, normalism with a twist.


The LP version contains 10 tracks for a total of 39 minutes and 30 seconds.

Geb side: Breakup Breakdown // None of This is Mine // That Day // I Want to Know // Monkey Sivert

Heart side: Beautiful Girl // Fixing Things // The Third Song // Distant Stars // Please Don’t Go Away


The CD is an extended version that contains 14 tracks for a total of 50 minutes and 52 seconds. Bonus tracks: March of the Tortoise // Marìmba Waltz // Marc the Riffer // Title Track



01.    March of the Tortoise (CD only)
02.    Breakup Breakdown
03.    None of This is Mine
04.    That Day
05.    I Want to Know
06.    Monkey Sivert
07.    Beautiful Girl
08.    Fixing Things
09.    The Third Song
10.    Distant Stars
11.    Please Don't Go Away
12.    Marìmba Waltz (CD only)
13.    Marc the Riffer (CD only)
14.    Title Track (CD only)

Gebhardt - Geb Heart

PriceFrom kr150.00

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